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Dying Easter eggs using common household food, herbs and spices is easy. It takes a little longer than conventional Easter egg dyes, but it smells better and you won’t be afraid for your family to eat the eggs once they’re done. Use hard-boiled eggs for this project, so go ahead and boil them first. This will ensure that the eggs are fully cooked. One important note: if you plan on...
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Give your child your presence more than presents. Your child will learn that they’re important to you. Your child will learn the importance of human connection over connection to material things When you talk with your child, get down to their height, look them in the eyes and really listen. You’re teaching your child that they’re worthy of being listened to, and you’re teaching your child how to listen to...
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Parenting: Let Your Actions Speak Louder…
When Letting Your Hair Down Makes a Difference A guest post about parenting by Mary Ann from A Cloth Life As parents, we want our children to be happy and confident in who they are, well-adjusted and down-to-earth. But sometimes, despite our best intentions, it can be easy to get caught up in appearances. We can be so worried about looking like we’re doing all the right things that we...
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